Monday, October 29, 2012

So...snow eh?  I hope it doesn't snow here, it would be really pretty, but it's already cold enough, I think :)  But...what do you do?  You grin and bear it.  I like what Pres Hinckley said, it isn't easy, but it can be enjoyed.  Such is life I suppose.  It makes me think of Elder Uchtdorf's talk this last conference too, about how we can't wait to reach the end of something to find happiness, I believe it's in those small moments that we find it the most.  I love this gospel, and I am getting so excited to feel like a real missionary again!  It's going to be so great, and I know it's not going to be easy, but it wasn't ever suppose to be.  We tell people every day on the street that this life is a test, and darn right it should be hard!  Since when have we appreciated things unless we work for them?  I would say that sometimes we do, but they are far and few in between!  I love this gospel and I am so grateful that we have it, and that I was raised with it. 

I know that the hard times will pass, and it sucks to go through, but keep praying, and good will always come :)  I know it will, because we have the gospel, and we know the end result.  I have been so blessed to be here on my mission.  I have been surrounded by great people who are such great examples to me every day.  I am so grateful that the Lord was merciful enough to think of a small, insignificant girl who was living in Idaho going to school, to see her and to know he could mold her into something better!  How grateful I am to be here.  I am so grateful to to the friends I have that have helped me get here, I truly have been so richly blessed, and it's not because of anything I've done other than striving to make the Lord proud of me.  THIS IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loads of love!
Take care and keep the faith!
Love Sister Kaitie Nelson